Sacred Union – Wielding Time & Space

Only when the masculine and feminine come together can reality creations birth themselves into manifestation. Hence why men ought to intimately understand the corridors within the feminine womb and why women ought to understand the corridors within the masculine heart.

The ancient spiritual practice described as parthenogenesis had nothing to do with literal conception. It always had to do with something much more profound. It describes a process that the masculine and feminine may partake in here while on earth. The original teachings describe the process of co-creating from the highest planes while being physically incarnated. 

If we don’t get the story straight it stays as a divisive tactic to keep the sexes apart. A tactic to keep them from truly co-creating real change on this planet. 

This practice is the sacred and ancient practice of wielding time and space. It is paramount that we understand this process does not happen with just the feminine alone. This is a process that can only happen when man and women come together for purposes greater than but not excluding themselves. Heart coherence between both is necessary. You can’t remove either the male or female’s role from within this process. Attempts at doing so will lead to unhealthy imbalances within and without. 

The reason why these teachings have deliberately been distorted is to perpetuate division and strife between the two most powerful forces on earth. To believe literally in parthenogenesis is to believe that the masculine—man— should play a lesser role in the creation of time and space. To believe that woman is not as equally powerful in this regard is to do the same.

It is essential that people see through these lies and deceptions and start to heal from the traumas that occurred 200 000 years ago. Concepts that vindicate core underlying ideologies in support of the irradiation of either sex for this purpose are the number one enemies of our co-creative power. 

What is required is healthy selection. To make a healthy selection requires wisdom and a keen discernment in your ability to trust your inner knowing. It requires that you heal yourself. Loving yourself gives you the strength to turn away from that which does not love itself. It provides you with the clarity to understand what the signs of lovelessness are. 

If we are to reinstate the ancient wisdom teaches of the distant past which allow us to reach up together into the pre materia and restore balance on earth, both men and women must come to know their true power intimately. Both men and women must come to know their trauma. Both men and women must return their thinking of the other into its balanced place. 

To listen is to learn. Learn from all those that are healing. Learn from all those that speak through the veils of their trauma. Learn from the wisdom of nature which is your master guide. Nature provides us with the detailed knowledge necessary for this process to take place. 

It is too easy for men to continue blaming women for all the evil in the world and all too easy for women to continue blaming men for the same. If you think this is an exaggeration it is not. Both men and women currently engaging in this dialogue exhibit at the core of their symbolic ledgers that the other is ultimately to blame. Intelligent men and women have spent lifetimes building what appears to be very reasonable cases against each other. 

After carefully listening to what the collective of humanity has to say. After carefully listening to the words expressed through my own trauma and the words not expressed in between, I have come to the understanding that to overcome our pre-conditioning we must reawaken memories that have been asleep for many thousands of years.

This battle is not one between the sexes, if you pay close enough attention you’ll see that is a battle between that which we label as life and death.

Wisdom can only come through understanding and understanding may only come through listening. Truly listening means opening ourselves up to learning something we know nothing about or have deeply forgotten. It’s to keep the mind heart open long enough to hear that which is being said beyond the words. It’s to reanimate the language of our souls.

The alchemical friction that men and women feel while in battle can invigorate and motivate for some time. It may fan the flames of catharsis. It may ignite the passions of desire and motivation but over time it will not sustain them towards reality co-creation. Over time this superficial process will take from them more than it returns. It will not teach them to wield time and space for the greater good of what sustains life here on the planet.

What we are really looking for is only that which can be found through the sacred union of souls.

True Divine Sacred Union is not a myth. It has nothing to do with sex magic, twinflames, karma or societal milestones. The remnants of which show themselves through our storytelling, storytelling pasted on from ancient times. Attempts at describing what this is turns up in concepts conveyed in the teachings of tantra and stories about parthenogenesis, but both have been weaponized through the lenses of our modern day culture, yet both have buried within them sacred truths.

The co-creative potential of divine sacred union must be experienced to truly be inner-stood. The only way to experience it is to be present with love. It is to truly honour the masculine and feminine which align with you towards such co-creations. Very few truly honour and love themselves these days and so very few will experience the potential of our ancient wisdom. 

Despite all the confusion there are still many who walk this earth that do know the depths of love and honour. May they all come to remember there innate power. May the co-creations begin!

  • Cover art: August Stargate (Collage)

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