The Guru is Dead

The guru is dead, or almost. We’ve come to a boiling point regarding our spiritual evolution, we’re asking more and more questions about where we truly draw our power from and it’s no where close to anything residing outside of ourselves. Through broken hearts, unfulfilling jobs, governments that mis-use their power to spiritual teachers that fall short of expectations–when we realize they are just as human as everyone else and have their flaws–are all showing us the need to find our light and source of guidance from within.

We spent millennia becoming dependant on all sorts of outside information to guide our way. We cling to people whom we feel can shed light on our paths, the internet which has a million articles about how to live happily, videos on ways to better understand ourselves and process our emotions but yet we are still falling short of the big picture because we are still only touching the tip of the iceberg when it comes to diving inwards and seeking to understand our unique truth.

Sure we’re all interconnected and by natural default of this unity we learn from each other, we grow through seeing ourselves being reflected back onto us through the other but when it comes to sourcing true power there is only one place to go, within and up the ladder of our own soul stream towards the light.


Anyone who starts to do this for themselves will quickly notice that others that haven’t quite mastered this practice of self-trust and tuning inwards and upwards will start to become attracted to your process and look to see more of what is within you. It happens to us all at one point or another, from obsessions with gurus, business guides, clinging to family members that seem to have it all made and live in happy happy land to becoming overly co-dependant on partners that seem to provide the best advice to all our questions. In the process of trying to find our power, we end up giving more of it away.

We’re not going to have all the answers all the time and yes, sometimes we need to have a bouncing board to self-negotiate where we are in comparison to where we truly wish to be but the line should be drawn there. The more we begin to tune in, the less we are derailed from what the outside world believes we should think, be and do. Most of the time our truth will vary from another person’s truth and that’s perfectly fine, there is nothing more natural in a universe that is constantly expanding then to have multifaceted ways of seeing reality and walking our own unique path.


Truth right up here. Listening to the inner guru is the ART of SELF LOVE

Here are some tips to move you towards greater self-trust and towards your inner guru; the only true compass towards inner peace and happiness. 

Trust no one that proclaims to know the truth. This might sound a little harsh but there are way too many people taking the wisdom of others for granted and applying it to their lives in ways that leave them missing the point, or the steps needed prior to applying the wisdom being offered. We’re all on such different paths, learning different things at different rates, copying and pasting other’s truths into our lives leaves us feeling further away from ourselves and often times self-critical and judgmental when it doesn’t work. Listen to what everyone has to say with an open mind and heart but only truly take with you what you feel resonates with you completely and fully. Before applying anything you hear from the outside, ask yourself, “is this my truth too?” or “why is this the next best step on my journey?”. If you can’t answer these questions, it is not quite your truth at this moment. There is likely something more relevant to where you need to go next.

Find your power spots. These are places you can go to recharge and recalibrate your inner world. Usually these are places that feel like a release of energy happens when you go to them. Perhaps your power spots are mostly on mountain tops or next to bodies of water. They might be under a tree, sitting next to a fire or in the middle of a field (it might even be your favourite book or coffee shop).

Each person will resonate differently with the earth’s elements and how they can balance out your energy. Once you find these spots, go to them regularly and allow yourself time to relax into the space and embrace how it will draw you inward and provide fresh insight and inspiration that can’t come from books or other people. The inspiration that will flow through will be unique to your own evolution at that moment in your life, providing you with exactly what it is you need to hear in order to take that next step towards your personal goals and aspirations.

Spend time questioning yourself and discovering your own feelings and motives. You can do this through writing or having a conversation with yourself. We often don’t challenge our own thoughts enough. When we write, we can easily reread what we wrote at anytime to give ourselves greater insight into where we are mentally, emotionally and energetically. This allows us to reflect on our process in a way where we can see more clearly where we are, in relation to our unique journeys. Spend time in deep conversation with yourself. When feelings come to the surface ask yourself, “why am I feeling these things?”. Within ourselves we have the rambling one, which is the aspect of ourself that is on autopilot, the aspect that has been conditioned by our upbringing and society and then we have the observer, the aspect of ourself which we can call our higher selves. These two aspects need to engage with each other in order to break through the muck and find inner truth, the wisdom of your inner guru.

Allow yourself to move through life with a certain amount of detachment to outcome and people. This one is difficult for most because we cling to comfort on so many levels to avoid pain but the reality of finding the inner guru means that we must allow space for him/her to emerge to begin with. When we are held captive to our beliefs and what people will think of us, or how we should live our lives, we limit self-power.  We limit the inspiration and inner wisdom that can flow through us because we are closed off to hearing something outside our current belief system and comfort zone.

Crazy wisdom is often closer to truth than cushy wisdom is. The old belief systems passed on to us, only keeps us moving in circles when in fact we wish to move in spirals. If you believe the same things you did 5 years ago or even a year ago you have not left room for your inner guru to emerge. Personal truth is forever changing because so are we in constant evolution. We are transforming from year to year with the seasons and allowing a greater sense of self to emerge to help us evolve into new heights and states of wellbeing.

Look at every experience in life as a learning experience, don’t allow yourself to stay in victimhood for too long. There is a saying that says, “The only way out is through.” I believe this to be true but there is also a time when we can become too comfortable in the victimhood mentality. When we put ourselves into situations that provide a heavy contrast of feelings, we do so subconsciously to emerge more whole and integrated. This happens so that we can allow ourselves to feel the pain of what we didn’t want to face in order to refine what we wish to experience moving forward. When these moments present themselves, use them as leverage to deepen your understanding of yourself and who you are, rather than by-pass them.

It’s important to honour your inner guru once this cycle of healing has been completed and no longer seek external spiritual teachers to validate it for you. Most spiritual teachers are sharing material on what could be wrong and how to fix it so you don’t want to inadvertently be thrown back into a cycle you’ve already healed from, thinking there is still more to heal. You are your best judge.

Connect to a source of love greater than yourself each day from the inside. We can do this by asking for guidance, praying, inviting the universe to guide us but know that these energies are YOU and come from within you, an aspect of you that is far more vast and loving than you could imagine. Anyone else, including the Dali Lama and your peaceful neighbour are tapping into this source within themselves on a regular basis to move past the trickery of the mind which wishes to constantly control and dictate the next best step. Trusting in the higher source of energy within is tapping into a greater aspect of our consciousness that knows the full picture and can help to guide us in mysterious and miraculous ways towards self-realization.

Blasting Love,


Image sources

The universe is inside you

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