The Power in Owning our Sexual Life Force

Owning our sexual energy comes at a cost. The cost is allowing ourselves to grow, to move through emotional challenges and step into our power. It’s only at a cost because we associate growth with a sting. We associate challenges with pain and this usually brings up fears and the necessity to heal personal blockages previously unknown to us. Vulnerability is a hard space to move into, it requires trust and faith in a higher wisdom.

Most of my life I have not owned my sexuality or my sexual energy entirely, I don’t like to admit that but it’s the truth. I, like many others, both males and females alike have been conditioned in so many ways to identify and live out our sexuality based on what we’ve been told by our parents (often not much), what we’ve been shown in society through mass media and what our peers have shared with us. Then later what we chose to experience through those lenses within our intimate exchanges.

What’s even more certain is that very few of us were taught what sexual energy actually is in its most fundamental sense.

If you grew up in a home where anyone in your family had been sexually abused then you will see an attachment of shame associated to sex that is inadvertently passed down. Creating a subconscious suppression of sexual energy. It shows up as judgment for the clothes you wear or for the amount of affection you offer others.

It can also show up as a lack of sexual boundaries, both in conversation and in the way it is exploited, devalued and reduced to a mechanical act that carries no sacredness. If you have experienced sexual abuse yourself then many distortions and fears around sexual energy will most likely be influencing your relationship to your sexual energy/life force as a whole.

I remember back in 2012 connecting with one of my 3 main spirit guides, she is of feminine essence, she told me her name was Anna and that she was Annunaki. I had no idea what that meant at the time so I remember looking it up and feeling overwhelmed by the rabbit hole of information I had just dug into so I put it aside and decided not to continue my research.

After my kundalini awakening in 2015 a continuation of this information kept on showing up again in my sphere. Who I had interpreted as Anna was really Inanna a Sumerian Goddess later known as Ishtar a Mesopotamian goddess, lady of the sky, a goddess of war and fertility. She is one of the better known priestesses that lived amongst the Annunaki race.


Inanna like all other priestesses carry within them the encoded knowledge of how to alchemize sexual energy, life force, shakti energy into creation in the physical realm, how to generate it into vitality (healing energy) and spiritual wisdom for Illumination. The year in which my kundalini awoke also became the year in which I had no choice but to learn about alchemizing my own sexual energy. Up until that point it had never really occurred to me that I didn’t truly own it entirely.

What I had noticed was that as my kundalini awoke a great wave of sexual energy arose in me, a force that I had never felt before, it was extremely powerful and thus felt on such a deep level. A force that was often overwhelming, a force that blasted through my every cell, shaking my nervous system to its core and rendered me completely incapacitated at times, it heightened my sensitivity to others and simultaneously activated a well of psychic and creative wisdom within me.

It was a wild fire that was burning through my entire being, layer by layer. It essentially transformed my whole life before my very eyes and there was absolutely nothing I could do except watch as it striped me away of my former self, basically rendering me a pile of ashes, like the Phoenix I learned to rise again through self-regneration.

I don’t think many people in general understand the power of sexual energy or shakti energy. I don’t believe many know that it can be cultivated, harnessed and used  as a tool to leverage personal growth, empower great movements, create incredible innovations and art, heal and maintain vitality in the body just as a fountain of youth does. I believe most people see it simply as a byproduct of sexual stimulation, used for pleasure and procreation.


The problem with not owning our sexual energy is that it leaks out and drains us of our vitality, aging us much faster than necessary and depleting us of enthusiasm, creativity and spiritual wellbeing.

When it is not harnessed it can’t be used to our advantage, to help others and to assist humanity to rise together. If we don’t consciously alchemize it, by default it becomes the property of those around us. Subconsciously or consciously they absorb it as life force for themselves.

You can see this in two people that are sharing sexual energy, when one is taking and the other is always giving, an imbalance occurs within the exchange that leads to illness and lack of vitality in the one continuously giving it away. Think object of sexual desire, then take that concept to the next level.

People that are always receiving sexual energy from others will look incredibly illuminated, glowing and energetically attractive. When we don’t own it, it becomes ruled by the ideas and beliefs that society defines it as and limits our potential as human beings.

When we are beaming with sexual energy whether or not we know how to harness it, we are like walking magnets to other people. There is a distinct energetic glow to sexual energy that can’t be missed. It has nothing to do with gender, what the person wears or even how they look but it can be felt on a very visceral level.

The variations of felt sexual feelings emanating from those around us are dependant on their relationship to their own sexual energy and their unique sexuality. What thoughts they hold about sex and their intentions. For example, if they are looking to find a long term partner to mate with their sexual energy will feel different than someone who is looking for a one night stand.

Just as someone who is looking to make love and connect on a deep intimate level will feel energetically different than someone who is looking to explore a more unemotional sexual experience.

You will also feel the difference between the sexual energy of a person who might be very exploratory to that of someone who is sexually inhibited. Either way an abundance of raw sexual energy even if not mastered is very distinguishable from a lack of vitality or sexual energy circulating in someone’s energetic system.

Sexual energy can have absolutely nothing to do with the act of sex itself. Such as with monks and others on a spiritual path, they have learned to alchemize all of their sexual energy for a higher calling, circulating it through their bodies, vitalizing their organs and cultivating spiritual wisdom instead of experiencing sexual pleasure with a partner.

Sexual energy is so powerful that it creates life, the life force carried in the unfertilized egg and sperm are powerful enough that when they come together new life is formed.

So just imagine what else can be done with sexual energy when one can learn to circulate and focus it towards other creations. Also, take a minute to imagine how such powerful energy unleashed onto the world with no clear direction can wreak havoc. A wild horse running rampant.

If you start to research this topic you can find it reflected through the teachings of the ancient practice of Tantra. Emperors in China used to be aware of its powers and in cultivating and alchemizing sexual energy for longevity. A great book on this is Healing Love Through the Tao, Cultivating Male/Female Sexual Energy. In more modern versions of this practice it is called Sexual Transmutation.

Ultimately the benefits of cultivating and alchemizing sexual energy can only be fully experienced through long term practice. It takes a while to get used to feeling the sexual energy/life force circulating around in the body and learning the practice of drawing it inwards rather than leaking it out.

When too much sexual energy is built up in the system it can actually be quite dangerous. There is a process involved in alchemizing it so it doesn’t overwhelm the system. A certain amount of external release is needed but more importantly if there are blockages within the energetic system at any level of the main chakra centres it can become stagnant, backed up with no where to go and have an opposite effect such as causing illness or trauma.

Its force is so great you can compare it to an ocean. If a tidal wave comes crashing down it will destroy all in its wake but if there’s a system set up to capture the wave and direct towards somewhere specific, it becomes a great force of nature that could, for example generate electricity and fuel a town with power.

One of the main things I have learned through my personal process is to never let your sexual energy move outside of your awareness. Always maintain a certain practice for its continual cultivation and movement within the body. When we suppress this great force entry into our being we are essentially killing ourselves at a faster rate. If we are letting it run rampant we are in turn wasting precious power. Similarly to a garden with water and sunlight vs a garden without.

Our health, vitality and creativity are so dependant upon this awareness. When someone comes to me with a lack of interest in life, energy, motivation and passion about this great mystery. The first thing I ask them about is their relationship to their sexual energy and how they are harnessing it.

As we begin to wisely use our sexual energy we can begin to experience heightened states of being. These states lead to spiritual illumination and many moments of peace and bliss. They also lead to more cosmic states of ecstasy such as experienced during divine sexual union,

When two people have the ability to harness their sexual energy in this way merge, in true cosmic union during intercourse, they illuminate not only each other’s spiritual powers but as a by product of their union, they illuminate the natural environment and everyone else around them.


Wishing you all a very intimate connection with the life force pulsing within you. Your awareness and connection to your own sexual energy will only lead to great things for yourself and those around you. A Key tool for personal well being and transforming the world into a better place.

One Love,


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