Three Steps to Naturally Staying High

Life is such a blessing and within that blessing are lots of lessons, growth, pain, pushes and pulls but with that so many precious moments of beauty, joy and bliss. We can observe these blessings around us, in landscapes, sunsets, good food, babies, animal loving, smiling faces, exchanges of laughter, celebrations and quiet peaceful moments. The bad stuff can be equally observed too, in internal struggles, negative exchanges, moments of uncomfortable transitions, unsavoury environments and heartbreaking circumstances ect. It’s part of life for everyone and we learn to deal with the negative stuff efficiently to keep focus on the positive so we can truly enjoy our time here before it runs out….because it will sooner or later and in this respect death becomes our friend, reminding us to create each moment as carefully as possible.

We wish to cultivate courage which initiates wisdom, personal integrity, compassion and love. In order to do this we have to keep our vibe up, this sets-up the conditions which allow those qualities to emerge and have a direct positive impact on our lives and on those around us.

There are three steps that I use to stay high and maintain a sense of inner balance as I move through life. We wish to keep striving towards our best versions, we want to do this on a very personal level, a soul level. On the kind of level that is measured by how much time we can spend in peaceful solitude without the need to grab a quick fix from the outside world of things, think distractions & addictions. I’m referring to the kind of inner peace that can’t be bought, a sense of being that feels complete, integrated, gently sparkling with light, enough so that it overflows out onto those around us and creates a positive change everywhere we go.

Step One

Ground your energy into the earth. When we do this we are neutralizing the positive charges in our bodies such as free radical cells which cause disharmony and disease. A little bit of the science behind it can be found here. The earth naturally works with our nervous system, as it sends negative electrical charges up into our bodies the positive one’s associated with negative thoughts, insomnia, pain and dis-ease are neutralized and thus reduced in our systems so we can enjoy better living and a greater sense of wellbeing. This charge from the earth is understood to calm the nervous system, harmonize our sleep patterns, reduce inflammation, chronic pain, stress and anxiety. Very plainly it puts us in a better mood.




I usually go out in the morning or evening for a good 30mins, sit directly on the earth placing the bottoms of my feet on the earth. If you are gardening, walking or playing outside you can take off your shoes. The earth’s charge will not penetrate into your body if you are wearing rubber soles. To reinforce its effects and increase its benefits you can incorporate a little self-guided routine. Spend a moment sitting and tuning into the earth, bring your attention to the feelings and sensations you are experiencing as you connect with her. Relax all your muscles, especially those in your pelvic floor, jaw, neck and shoulders. Invite yourself to release any stress or tension into her, moving the tension from head to toes and out your feet. You can do this through visualization, verbal command or felt sense, either way as long as you are setting this intention your body will begin to unload whether you can feel it or not. Spend a few minutes feeling the comfort of Gaia holding you with her love and support. This is such a powerful and profound practice that can easily shift your day from stress to enjoyment.

Step Two

Activate your Light Body. All of the connective tissue in your body contains biophotons, little electrical charges, we want these to be active. One of the ways to charge your body up is with our biggest natural source of energy, the sun. We can lie directly under the sun and consciously open ourselves up to receiving its nourishment. Just like with grounding, moving from head to toe, send the verbal command, visualize or use your felt senses to open up your body to receiving light. You can picture the different layers of your being, mental, emotional, physical and energetic opening up and receiving blessings of wellbeing, unconditional love and harmony. You can say things like, “Every cell in my body is open to receiving light, each cell is in a perfect state of homeostasis, health and wellbeing. Each cell is rejuvenated, nourished and filled with gratitude”. If you are using your felt senses, you will feel a shift from body bound to soul bound, from heaviness to a lightness of being. Your thoughts will become lighter and your mind will quiet.




Our main source of internal energy resides in our hearts. The pacemaker, that which keeps your heart beating is what generates electricity. You can learn to tune into your heart and generate a greater magnetic field by breathing deeply into your heart and feeling unconditional love and your heart’s connection to all that is around you. Through visualization, verbal command or felt sense you can connect with your heart’s energy and imagine it growing, encompassing your entire physical body and extending outwards. This is the space you want to tune into when looking to bring harmony to a discussion or your environmental space. Sending the command to radiate love outwards can be felt by others in a very visceral way. Often during this practice you can bring negative thoughts from others out and then quickly away from your exchange. Sometimes generating a movement in them strong enough that they will begin to feel your love very deeply, which opens up the discussion for authentic communication to occur. A trust is then established and conversation becomes pro-active.

The Many In-between Steps

Maintaining your high. There are many many things you can do to maintain your high, think healthy lifestyle. What you eat is essential. We are what we eat literally. Try to eat living foods and superfoods everyday in your diet, I recommend incorporating turmeric everyday to reduce inflammation. Exercise regularly to bring balance, it’s a natural way of detoxifying the body creating room for fresh oxygen and nourishment to enter. Body treatments such as massage therapy, reiki balancing, myo-fascia release and any other body work you are drawn to can help the body release physical, emotional and mental stress within the tissues. Simply having a compassionate therapist touch you will generate a therapeutic effect and calm your nervous system activating your natural internal healing mechanisms.

The more the tissues are charged up the greater conductivity of electricity in your body enabled, the more connected you are to self and the infinite source of love which is life itself. The body uses biophotons to communicate information about maintaining its health, the health of our light body is the very fabric which holds our wellbeing together.



Using the mind to maintain your high is equally important. Negative thoughts are known to create positive ions in the body, those are the ones we wish to eliminate, self-love talk is very important in this respect.  Observe your thoughts throughout the day and when possible switch them to positive thoughts, empowering thoughts, loving thoughts, creative inspirational thoughts and self-accepting thoughts. You’ll know when your thoughts are not healthy, they will literally feel bad in your body.


Step Three

I highly recommend you start your day and end your day by connecting with your greater-self and releasing all you wish to leave behind. Start your day with thoughts of wellbeing both for yourself and the world. Use your imagination to command the experience you wish to create. Be as creative as you want with the process but stay focused on connecting to your most loving self. From there the words will unravel and create a dialogue between you and the world which are positive, uplifting and one that will help you maintain your natural high! Positive thoughts release happy hormones in the body and play a crucial role in our experience. We can’t expect other’s to give us the high we wish to experience. It must first come from within. Once we are in this self generating happy space we are more self-accepting and are less likely to be influenced by the moods and actions of those around us allowing us to move through life with ease and grace.

We must first fill our cups before we can share optimism, inspiration and positivity with others!


One Love,


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