Why Highly Developed Empaths are Everybody’s TwinFlame

Empaths are really interesting people in the sense that we mirror to others what they are emanating. If life has carved you into a highly developed empath, you’ll naturally absorb and reflect the energy of those around you more so than someone who grew up in a home that honoured their unique gifts.

TwinFlames ummmm, I remember this similar idea popping up in my teens with soulmates and thinking, “wow, how cool would that be to find the one that’s the perfect puzzle piece to me!”, especially being someone who has felt homesick most of my life. I came to the conclusion quickly though that there are way too many variables at play for that to happen, including the fact that we are constantly changing and morphing into new versions of ourselves with almost every season.


The idea of a TwinFlame is that one soul separates into a masculine and feminine aspect before entering life here on the planet and eventually find each other and merge back together energetically. This merging would happen on many layers of our being, mentally, emotionally, heart fusion and with the auras. This would allow them to combine forces and co-create in a powerful and exceptionally rare way. A way that would allow them to accomplish a hundred fold what they would normally be able to accomplish alone.

I believe some of us are more similar in energetic blue print and life path than others, we all know that sensation of familiarity, being around someone whom thinks in a similar way and carries similar beliefs to us. It’s the kind of feeling you get when you don’t really have to work hard to explain yourself to the other because you feel they understand you on a very deep level already. We all connect to different people in different ways and the way I see it, some of us will connect more so because certain chakras within are vibrating at similar rates.

We might have similar family values (1st chakra) but nothing in common when it comes to personality (3rd chakra) or a strong connection to the universe or spirit (7th chakra) but very different life purposes(2nd chakra). Some of us might have barely anything in common and yet it just feels good to be around each other. Some of us might have had a very similar upbringing but don’t connect at all when it comes to our goals and aspirations.

We’re all connected on different levels despite race, religious or spiritual beliefs, personality, character, cultural and societal conditionings but there is another layer of truth when it comes to soul essence that can be understood more clearly.


I love this example; If you look at the ocean as the collective body that is spirit, which has various currents within it, some of us are more closely linked due to our ‘current’ of origin. This is what people refer to in the spiritual community as the various soul tribes within the larger tribe or family of awakened souls that gather. Some of us will naturally gravitate towards each other, based on a phenomenon called heart resonance and other similarities in the way we vibrate due to our thinking, feeling and expressing eg.

The TwinFlame idea could then be put into perspective that way, a single current within the larger current that splits into two and enters the earth as different aspects of the very same soul incarnating simultaneously. Sounds like a one in a million chance someone would find their exact stream here on earth, unless you believe that some things are pre-arranged or destined to happen to fulfil a joint-life purpose.

The closer two currents or sparks of light were, before entering the earth, the greater the heart resonance felt when finding each other here on the planet. I’m estimating that there are approximately 150,000 souls incarnating on the earth from similar ‘currents’, at the same time. Which means we have the chance of meeting 150,000 people that will generate a feeling of home within us and activate us into new heights of wellbeing and creation.

Empaths are

A highly developed yet not-fully-awakened empath can easily become everybody’s TwinFlame because they absorb the energy of the people around them and perfectly mirror it back to them , mirroring the exact energetic imprint of any given person in any given situation. This creates the feeling that we are encountering that other half of ourselves in either a masculine or feminine form. (Actual physical gender of the person doesn’t dictate this, it’s more so the predominating energies of shiva or shakti within the other that compliment one another along with the heart resonance for true TwinFlames.)

Heart resonance is a very warm and fuzzy feeling, it produces sensations of ecstasy when intimate, often leading to cosmic love making, out of body experiences, distant telepathy and all sorts of other strange phenomena.

It is understood that the love we will feel for our TwinFlames will be so great that it will push to the surface anything within us of lower frequency that is preventing us from loving ourselves completely and unconditionally. Also with highly developed empaths we will experience this same thing because they will mirror back to us anything unhealed within that still needs to be seen and loved unconditionally.

kelidescope of faces

The difference between the empath connection and the TwinFlame connection is that we will begin to see beneath the empathic mirroring of our partners the more time we spend with them. We will see their true essence, one that might not be at all similar to ours and we’ll feel a sudden disconnect. At which point we realize we’ve mistakingly understood their mirroring for who they were. Who they are fundamentally is completely different, they were simply a superficial connection to something deeper within ourselves.

Two similar souls such as TwinFlames, even if empathic will continue to unravel each other only to discover their similarities to a greater and greater degree.

The reason why I personally gravitate towards the TwinFlame concept is because I am a person with an unwavering purpose, it has always been my main drive, I’m on a spiritual life mission. My priorities have never been aligned with that of the average person. We all have life purposes but some of us are much more pushed by these. You can learn about whether you have a strong purpose influencing your life in your astrological chart but you’ll know because you’ll have to face it again and again throughout your life. Those who have a very deeply embedded spiritual life-purpose understand that it transcends the normal goals and contentment found in the average milestone.

The attraction is that when TwinFlames come together they can co-create on a very successful and heightened level, how awesome is that? If you are both driven by a similar purpose. If two people can activate each other and fortify each other, you can complete the same amount of work that would normally be done in six hours, in two, or ten years in three. Making for a pretty solid team to tackle some of the current challenges we are facing around the globe and within the collective unconscious of the human mind.

The idea that many people might be reuniting with their TwinFlames simultaneously during this lifetime increases the chances of accomplishing within one generation, what 4-5 generations would normally take to accomplish, how exciting! Even if you don’t have a TwinFlame on the planet with you, which you probably would know instinctually if you did, all that is necessary, for you to experience the acceleration process of your soul’s evolution, is to hang out with a bunch of empaths and allow yourself to get triggered to the umpteenth degree. This may sound a little harsh but sometimes the biggest challenges in life are the ones that pay off the most. If you wish to shed skin that isn’t serving your highest calling then jumping into your abyss, by allowing yourself to come into contact with yourself through a highly developed empath will do the job.


The best way to move forward for those looking to find a strong connection with another human being to co-create with on a larger scale, is to work towards a conscious relationship. Not enough room in here to dive into that concept right now but I will post something at one point. The concept of the conscious relationship is that it would create the same circumstances and results of that of a TwinFlame connection. Driving both to new heights of wellbeing and co-creation towards bettering humanity.

If you are in the process of what you think is a TwinFlame entanglement, which could possibly be an empathic entanglement and need some help sorting through the utter chaos it has created in your life, feel free to contact me to set up a session here. I have lots of tools in my back pocket to help you untangle yourself or in the least set you on the right path with your TwinFlame game changer!

One Love,


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Twin flame image

Conscious Couple

3 thoughts on “Why Highly Developed Empaths are Everybody’s TwinFlame”

  1. Love this entry! I love how you can breakdown a concept that many has written about but with the views of an empath and the part about what it can bring concisely in terms of work in the 3D. Talk about putting into words concepts that are so vague and hard to formalize into words… and you do it clearly enough that less empthic souls can grasp the concept of it.

    That’s penmanship, analytical skill and a lot of life experience 🙂

  2. I could use some advise and or help I my relationship.. I wasn’t always the best partner and I still am not but I am very loyal and when it comes down to it I know who I’ll stand by.. I feel as if I know my partner very well like a twin flame connection but I’ve also recently come to the realization of just how powerful of an empath I am and It seems as though I’ve only gotten to be too empathetic…and I can no longer tell were my feeling and intuition need me to go.. it feels overwhelming..and just plain debilitating at times.. so I guess I want to examine my relationship with the help of a third party along with maybe discussing my life situation.. and why I feel as if I may not be able to decipher what the last few years of my life truly mean and the purpose of my discord. Maybe I’m just too sensitive maybe I’m just blind to the true causes.or maybe I’m just not looking through the proper “lens”.. I’ve had hell of an experience in life and haven’t paid attention to everything like I needed to when I needed to.so there is alot that I may be missing..only making it much harder to decypher.. I recently believe myself to have had my spiritual awakening..or atleast part of it.. and after 27 years of being an atheist I finally believe in “higher power” whether it be a singular being o collective being or many beings or something completely different …I know that there is more to life than just the physical.. and as I search for answers I only find vagueness and unspecific direction..i feel like someone with experience with the such on a deeper level than just going to church on a Sunday would be of the utmost importance and could aid me in ways that I just can no longer do alone.. for I am just too overwhelmed with life in the physical and now the spiritual has doubled if not tripled my load..

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