You are the Placebo

My ability to identify with what we call clock time has never been my strong point but I do grasp a different understanding of time, one that is being explored by Sean Carroll. It’s called the Arrow of Time, entropy being its underlining fundamental law.


Things start off almost perfect and untouched and with the Arrow of Time everything entropies, things become messy, illnesses are created, we age, things fall apart and unravel, we dive deeper into the core of all which is chaos, yet there is still an order to it all. This order lies within the mysteries of the law of entropy and its beginning point.

Back in early 2000 I took a trip to France where I met many beautiful amazing souls. A trip I will never forget because so much was revealed to me about how things in this world work and how much we are allowed to see beyond the veil if we align ourselves with cosmic consciousness.


I came across a beautiful women whom I had a very strong connection with. Upon meeting her, I saw within her energetic body a dark area. A strong knowing within me told me that she was carrying an advanced form of cancer somewhere in her right mid abdomen. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn’t know what to do or say. Should I tell her? Would I sound crazy? Would she think I was cursing her? She didn’t know me well enough and I didn’t want to ruin all the fun we were having. She later found out that she had a mass of cancer within her gallbladder.

That was my first experience of medical intuition with someone I had just met. I blocked out that type of information coming through my awareness for many years after because I didn’t know how to proceed with the information I was given. This is still a grey area for me in the sense that I do believe we are meant to experience illness as a part of our journey here on earth, caving the way to greater and deeper self-discover. What I have chosen to receive as information during my sessions now is what foods, activities, emotions and mental beliefs are missing from my clients day-to-day lives that will bring them into balance. I personally believe that all illnesses can disappear over night so what I see might not be there tomorrow.



Since that time I have read many books on the metaphysical reasons for illnesses, above are two of my favourites so far. Each ailment and illness is due to a mental, emotional, physical or energetic mis-alignment with the person’s soul’s longings or life mission. Similar to brain mapping where each part of the brain is associated with a different part of the body, each belief within a person’s consciousness is directly affecting a specific part of their energetic body, the energetic body directly feeds or depletes prana or life force from the physical body.


A belief or mental loop either serves to uplift a person into a higher vibratory rate or lowers their rate, which creates a type of stagnant movement within its associated energy centre (there are millions of smaller centres around the larger energy centres we call chakras). We all know that stressful thoughts often create pain in the stomach, anger affects the pancreas, lack of self-love affects the lungs and so on.

We are created as perfect beings, empty of thoughts and pre-conditioning for the most part when we come in and as the Arrow of Time moves through us, certain genes get turned on or off depending on our environment (epigenetics). We accumulate experiences and belief patterns from our families and societies. We essentially begin to entropy. What lies within this unraveling, aging and getting messy process is a beautiful centre we can call the heart of chaos. If we allow ourselves to ascend into its depths we can go into the core of this chaos and find something called the zero point.

If we quiet our minds enough from everyday loops through any form of still or moving meditation we will begin to observe which thoughts are serving our highest good and which thoughts are causing disease wthin the body. Once reaching this awareness we can begin the process of re-aligning ourselves, reconfiguring ourselves with greater cosmic truths that generate health and wellness.

A cutting edge teacher and leader in this field of mind-body connection who studied neuroscience and quantum physics is named Dr.Joe Dispenza. You can click here to listen to his personal story(listen to part one too) of recovery from an accident that severely damaged his spinal colon. He teaches around the world on the subject and is highly knowledgeable in what we can call the placebo effect, otherwise known as mind over matter. I’ve been geeking out on this stuff for years.

Essentially our well being, even our body’s identification with the aging process and its limitations are based on our state of mind and the beliefs we are carrying within it. The challenge when faced with an illness is to remove the mental blocks that are keeping us captive to otherwise draining beliefs. The more we can replace these beliefs with ones that create health, homeostasis and wellbeing, the more we control how we feel and at which level of entropy we are vibrating at. This is why it is necessary to do shadow work to free ourselves from the Arrow of Time. This leads to shamanic time travel during meditation.

If we sit on the Arrow of Time without moving fulling through the halls of chaos and into the zero point where time itself does not exist, we can rehardwire our brains and bodies to one of health and joy. When we move through an awakening process we are essentially being given the opportunity to uncover our conditioned patters of non-serving beliefs towards self-mastery of mind and body, accomplished only within the core centre of chaos.


People often fear this corridor of awakening because it feels as though you are going crazy. The new beliefs trying to enter your awareness to lead you to greater health and well being are coming up against old beliefs creating cognitive dissonance. A place that is extremely uncomfortable but with the knowledge that this corridor leads to an opening of lightness at its end (or centre) can shed fear.

If one is to fully embody their physical vessel and align their heart and mind with their soul’s calling they must pass through this place, the dark night of the soul. It is here where all the challenges of releasing ourselves from the bondages of the past, pave way for the fruitful beginnings of the future.

I highly recommend anyone suffering from illness to look into the mental and emotional state that could be causing it. There are also environmental factors to take into consideration but as many masters who have walked this earth have shown us, we are capable of even surpassing the laws known to man that govern biology and physics. Take Wim Hoff aka Ice man for example or any of the paradigm crushers known as modern magicians such as David Blain who spent 17 mins holding his breath under water to show the world that mind IS over matter. We can either chose to kill ourselves or breath ourselves back to life.


Times are changing and we are slowly using more than just 10% of our brain power. Enjoy this upcoming Solar Eclipse to move inwards and see all the negative belief patterns holding you back from stepping into your gifts. Using more of the super powers you hold within, ones that will help us create a more balanced and peaceful way of living here on earth.


With superpowers come much responsibility but those whom have the courage to enter the corridor of entropy with faith and gratitude will be given the opportunity to exit back out into the light simply being, into a feeling of fullness and greater awareness of all that we are. Humans are real live superheros, don’t fear the darkness of the chaos because the light within its centre is the brightest we can experience.

One Love,


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