
Primal Power Has Intelligence – Freewill vs Environment

Why is the debate between freewill and environment so important? Social Engineering is directly related. Creating trends a huge ingredient in what shapes policy. Who controls the trends? Those who create the policies aka Mega Conglomerates. What are mega conglomerates after? Money (power). If they can shape your decisions they will—they have— and will continue to do so with every effort possible. 

Their goal is to turn you into a life-long consumer of their taking. They have no qualms with using up every inch of your mind during your short stay here on earth. If things continue moving in the direction they’re going, they’re not just going to own your spending habits, they’re going to transform humanity from the inside out. 

They don’t care about the future of humanity. They seek to increase their bottom line while incrementally monopolizing every resource possible, including you. We all sense this deep within but why haven’t the appropriate changes been applied on the grand stage yet? The answer is short and somewhat circular. You’ve been hoodwinked into thinking you’re in control. 

What trends are they currently focused on pushing? It’s no longer processed foods, brand names or innovative products that turn practical items into useless ones. Nor cell phones that allow you to access a plethora of their click bait mind numbing information.

No no, they no longer need to place an effort on pushing these trends because they’ve literally turned them into necessities simply to survive their modern day dystopian world.  Their Walmart of Disney World of Wonder that simply doesn’t exist outside of what they have created.

What they are trending these days is something beyond how you decorate your body, the brands you subscribe to or how you communicate with your friends and family. They’ve mastered that. They want more, they want all of you because according to the new world leaders you’re just a “useless eater”. 

They’ll take more because they don’t believe you’re intelligent enough to say no. In fact you’ve proven that you aren’t. Time and time again you unconsciously say yes to what you know to be unhealthy. 

They want to own your biology. They are attempting to change who you are at a very fundamental level so they don’t need to work so hard on capturing your mind. It’s much more cost effective to control you from the inside out.

You think you know who you are? You think you’re making your own decisions? Think again. You have no greater control over your decision making than your biology dictates. Every single molecule you put into your mouth dictates a biological response which creates a mental emotional response. We are slaves to our own bodies and the chemicals that run through them and they know this. This is how magicians can be magicians. You are human, you have weaknesses and those weaknesses are continuously being exploited. 

Greater freewill can only be cultivated through self awareness, expanding self-knowledge and a return to a more natural environment.

Watch this simple example that proves the point. I will conveniently post a series of comments on an app designed to control your behavioural responses using a handful of sensors to monitor said response. Supercharged comments that are specifically designed to elicit an emotional response from you. 

Now watch how your blood pressure changes, altering the hormones released in your body which concur up thoughts that you weren’t thinking previously to placing your attention on them. Now imagine how easy it is to use those same sensors to gather information about your biological reactions to those socially engineered campaigns making it possible to increase their efficacy the next round they are presented to you. 

The fastest way to change your behaviour is through the physical world, the second fastest way— of equal measure, is through the mental world. 

Changing your diet for a year will change the way you think and quickly alter the orientation of your goals. Social engineering starts to take place where you barely see it. Hell, it’s found in places claiming to “increase your convince”.

It begins with the way the food is grown and the water processed. Just look into the nitty gritty synthetic ingredients put into most prepared foods and bottled water. Yes in your precious hummus too. Hormone disruptors that not only change your emotional state but slowly alter your natural biology over the course of your lifetime.  

Changing what your mind consumes for a month will quickly alter the orientation of your goals and the molecules in your body. Changing not only your decision making capacities but what narratives you eventual identify with and life style you accept.

These both point to environment, things entering us from the outside. Our connection with nature has always maintained the balance, keeping our behaviour in congruence with natural law. When nature is substituted by something synthetic humans are no longer able to produce the chemicals and biological responses necessary to make the right decisions that keep them in harmony with healthy evolution. 

There is no way of getting around this. If the trends allow them to create the policies which keep their economic monopoly running, you can be damn well sure they’ll do everything in their power to modify your behaviour more effortlessly.

Primal power isn’t just a natural energy that can be harvested by external forces, it’s an energy within us that can be used to increase awareness through feelings of sacred anger that we feel towards things happening in the world. It’s a natural resource within that helps us become more self-disciplined and self-reliant when facing modern day abuse of power.

Changing of the Guard

Two thing I’ve been able to observe clearly in life are the laws that govern cycles and compensation. When one thing dies another is born and so on. We know through these laws of physics that energy never actually stops moving, it simply transforms and morphs into something new. 

I’ve been meaning to write this story for about two weeks now. I’m a little behind on homework, but let’s face it, we’re all catching up these days with something or another on a deep personal level. 

At first it was simply a feeling in my body. Then after a week or so the actual words manifested into my mind’s eye. What does a changing of guard feel like? I invite you to think back to August 1st, 2022 when you were being pushed towards your destiny by the unseen celestial forces within the universe. 

It felt like we came to the edge of something massive. For some it was felt more dramatically than others but either way we all felt it. It was more than a deeper understanding that culminates at the end of an epic hero’s journey. A journey we embarked on many many moons ago, it was a complete revelation about how the strings that held that story together were inter-woven. 

A feeling of something new wrapped in cosmic mystery undressed us through the ensuing weeks. Have we possibly come to the end of a great cosmic chapter, simultaneously yet still divided? Our individual stories cascading into a larger tapestry of great unraveling, bringing us towards what is still to be made known.

In many ways we are fresh again, babies reborn. The Queen’s death a potent symbol of this finality and transformation of energy. Less spoken of but of greater importance is the mammoth elephant squeezed into a tiny room at the back of our subconscious minds. Closed tight by a door labeled, ‘Obituaries 2020-2022’. 

It has been too heart breaking for most to acknowledge the catastrophic symphony of death out loud. Shrouded by deeper inner knowing it is. The gigantic rising tide of what yet still needs to be catalyzed into waking awareness. 

People carrying on talking and posting about the most superficial aspects of their lives emphasizes this giant elephant still growing and growing, bigger each day. It appears to be an overstretch of denial preparing to erupt into the most spectacular fireworks of cognitive dissonance we’ve seen yet. 

Can it get any more real? It appears as though it shall, it will, it must. There is no escaping the collective weaving of our tapestry. Despite everything appearing to be so neatly knit together, the pulling out of so many threads all at once has inevitably started unravelling the whole damned thing. 

The tapestry of a story we’ve collectively woven, yes. Many still not consciously aware of this, despite it all, creations eventually come face to face with their creators.

——————- Unwoven

One by one each string shall be pulled, 

out of the old tapestry the new shall unfold 

One by one each corner shall be re-weaved,

double stitched, double knotted while drinking the mead

Power from the dead,

a new pattern be born

For the loss, for the pain, 

forgiveness and shame

And the new tapestry shall grow from both Wolf and from Lion

Wool from the fodder of conspicuous denial

Forgot not, nor their souls, nor their undrawn swords

No, no, not in vain

All for the mend

I’ve seen it come and to pass

through the unwavering light flickering past


  • Cover Art- “Mammoth” by Jordan Soler

Sacred Union – Wielding Time & Space

Only when the masculine and feminine come together can reality creations birth themselves into manifestation. Hence why men ought to intimately understand the corridors within the feminine womb and why women ought to understand the corridors within the masculine heart.

The ancient spiritual practice described as parthenogenesis had nothing to do with literal conception. It always had to do with something much more profound. It describes a process that the masculine and feminine may partake in here while on earth. The original teachings describe the process of co-creating from the highest planes while being physically incarnated. 

If we don’t get the story straight it stays as a divisive tactic to keep the sexes apart. A tactic to keep them from truly co-creating real change on this planet. 

This practice is the sacred and ancient practice of wielding time and space. It is paramount that we understand this process does not happen with just the feminine alone. This is a process that can only happen when man and women come together for purposes greater than but not excluding themselves. Heart coherence between both is necessary. You can’t remove either the male or female’s role from within this process. Attempts at doing so will lead to unhealthy imbalances within and without. 

The reason why these teachings have deliberately been distorted is to perpetuate division and strife between the two most powerful forces on earth. To believe literally in parthenogenesis is to believe that the masculine—man— should play a lesser role in the creation of time and space. To believe that woman is not as equally powerful in this regard is to do the same.

It is essential that people see through these lies and deceptions and start to heal from the traumas that occurred 200 000 years ago. Concepts that vindicate core underlying ideologies in support of the irradiation of either sex for this purpose are the number one enemies of our co-creative power. 

What is required is healthy selection. To make a healthy selection requires wisdom and a keen discernment in your ability to trust your inner knowing. It requires that you heal yourself. Loving yourself gives you the strength to turn away from that which does not love itself. It provides you with the clarity to understand what the signs of lovelessness are. 

If we are to reinstate the ancient wisdom teaches of the distant past which allow us to reach up together into the pre materia and restore balance on earth, both men and women must come to know their true power intimately. Both men and women must come to know their trauma. Both men and women must return their thinking of the other into its balanced place. 

To listen is to learn. Learn from all those that are healing. Learn from all those that speak through the veils of their trauma. Learn from the wisdom of nature which is your master guide. Nature provides us with the detailed knowledge necessary for this process to take place. 

It is too easy for men to continue blaming women for all the evil in the world and all too easy for women to continue blaming men for the same. If you think this is an exaggeration it is not. Both men and women currently engaging in this dialogue exhibit at the core of their symbolic ledgers that the other is ultimately to blame. Intelligent men and women have spent lifetimes building what appears to be very reasonable cases against each other. 

After carefully listening to what the collective of humanity has to say. After carefully listening to the words expressed through my own trauma and the words not expressed in between, I have come to the understanding that to overcome our pre-conditioning we must reawaken memories that have been asleep for many thousands of years.

This battle is not one between the sexes, if you pay close enough attention you’ll see that is a battle between that which we label as life and death.

Wisdom can only come through understanding and understanding may only come through listening. Truly listening means opening ourselves up to learning something we know nothing about or have deeply forgotten. It’s to keep the mind heart open long enough to hear that which is being said beyond the words. It’s to reanimate the language of our souls.

The alchemical friction that men and women feel while in battle can invigorate and motivate for some time. It may fan the flames of catharsis. It may ignite the passions of desire and motivation but over time it will not sustain them towards reality co-creation. Over time this superficial process will take from them more than it returns. It will not teach them to wield time and space for the greater good of what sustains life here on the planet.

What we are really looking for is only that which can be found through the sacred union of souls.

True Divine Sacred Union is not a myth. It has nothing to do with sex magic, twinflames, karma or societal milestones. The remnants of which show themselves through our storytelling, storytelling pasted on from ancient times. Attempts at describing what this is turns up in concepts conveyed in the teachings of tantra and stories about parthenogenesis, but both have been weaponized through the lenses of our modern day culture, yet both have buried within them sacred truths.

The co-creative potential of divine sacred union must be experienced to truly be inner-stood. The only way to experience it is to be present with love. It is to truly honour the masculine and feminine which align with you towards such co-creations. Very few truly honour and love themselves these days and so very few will experience the potential of our ancient wisdom. 

Despite all the confusion there are still many who walk this earth that do know the depths of love and honour. May they all come to remember there innate power. May the co-creations begin!

  • Cover art: August Stargate (Collage)

Realignment of Logos & Reclaiming the Dragon (Part I)

Perhaps the only way out of this karmic loop is parthenogenesis after all? It can’t be the other way around due to assigned anatomy, but nothing about that feels right does it? Real parthenogenesis, too far biologically and evolutionarily in the past and future. The closest thing we have to it right now is artificial insemination. Expanding our ethical boundaries out towards synthetically and artificially designed humans. Transhumanism something currently infiltrating the human race. 

After reading Dragon Mother by Michael Tsarion I was inspired to do my due diligence and flirtatiously respond into the ethers of humanity with a healthy dose of thoughtful commentary. What use is it to read such a brilliantly book and not share what has been catalyzed? For if nothing else, than to inspire other readers to join in on the conversation. 

This book undoubtedly responds to an ancient reoccurring pattern within the psyche of humankind. Not excluding the great battle between sexes. It felt like a psychic purging and cleansing of important matters. Both for me personally but also collectively. What is a woman? What is a man? What do they want? What do they need from each other to bring about real solutions to world problems?

As gender roles become more illusive, few seek to revitalize the core essentials of what healthy masculinity and femininity are.  

As a forerunner, I’ll state that we all see through the lenses of our own trauma, Michael is not excluded from this process. I applaud his efforts in The Great Work. He’s not alone, many are participating in it right now. As he mentioned in a podcast with Alex Hickman, we are all auto-logging our subconscious thoughts into everything we do and say. An idea that at first can be very uncomfortable to accept but with maturity it can radically accelerate the alchemical process towards true self-actualization.

A strange paradox which I confronted years ago. It’s the eternal dance between the subconscious and the conscious. No matter what topic we’re writing or talking about, the content will always and necessarily reflect back to us a part of our own psyches. With weathered brows it will clearly reflect back our hidden shadows. A necessary step in becoming a conscious being and one that only the willfully ignorant can avoid. With utter reverence to what it has to teach us, we can begin to develop the higher mind. An internal system of gnosis that moves us towards —as Michael puts it— The Imperial Self. 

Michael attempts to piece together the missing links between what we already know regarding the female psyche and how it’s influencing men. Drawing us towards conclusions about how those missing links may have shaped societal issues causing the current global disaster. He describes masculine violence as the product of the Criminal Mind but makes further attempts at connecting the Criminal Mind to its feminine raison d’être. With all this at the head of the cart he dives as deeply as he can into the primordial waters of his own Feminine and Masculine nature. Spending many hours of anthropological, historical and occult studies, to bring forth a remedial elixir for the masses. 

Natural law dictates the nature of his studies as far as I’m concerned. As much as the pendulum swings to one side, so shall it fall to the other. He admittedly tells us that many of the ideas he brings forth have been embellished but reassures us it’s clearly what’s needed. A way of bringing forth real change at a fundamental level within our psyches. A way of instigating within the collective mind a general idea about how a lack of awareness of the female psyche may have perpetuated so many of the real atrocities we’re facing today.

Some of those embellishments and some of what can’t be denied, alert strong feelings of attraction and repulsion for both men and women. Sensationalism an important part of what becomes salient to the general public because less and less have become interested in self-inquiry. 

Some of the “Click Bait” terms brought forth from previous psychologists and psychoanalysts, carry within them epochal attitudes and cultural underpinnings, including valid attempts at describing omnipotent archetypal energies shaping our reality. Both should not be overlooked. Michael didn’t coin the term Terrible Mother, that was Jung. 

Either way Michael chooses willingly to stir the pot in a fairly righteous attempt at invigorating a topic we all have much invested interest in. Unearthing perspectives to helps us better understanding the dance between Sophia and Logos from pre-birth till death, using Freud, Rank and Neumann’s developmental models combined. 

The Terrible Mother is described as an offshoot of the Great Mother Archetype, whose images arise from painful, rejecting, and often overwhelming themes. Here we can envision this archetypal energy through the physical depiction of the Great Kali. 

Everything in existence has it’s shadow, or its natural counterpart. The Black Hole of the Galactic Centre being seen as the dark womb, a natural counterpart to the greater Cosmos. Treading lightly here pays us much heed, precisely because bringing life into this world is still too often a violent and traumatic event. Perhaps without this energy labelled by Carl Jung as the “Terrible Mother”, life would cease to exist in the flash of an eye, ( “ I ” ). 

A good approach for tackling this archetype with deep reverence from a psychological understanding is to first comprehend the role that trauma is currently playing in the cosmic story of creation and evolution. An energy we must all contend with on our journeys. A key player in our current psychic understanding of creation, whether male or female. One that need be integrated not eradicated.

Perhaps this is something I began doing in early 2011. A process which allowed me to have an orgasmic birth in 2012. A painless birth is something most don’t regard as possible. More to ponder on this for future unravellings.

When Jung labelled the chaotic and primal aspects of the Dragon Mother or Great Mother as the Terrible Mother he inadvertently led us to believe that it was something un-natural, a mistake of some kind in the evolutionary forces of humankind. How could it be seen as anything else? We fear nothing more than the obliterating forces of stagnant waters, emotional insanity, libido hijacking, death and intolerance.

A masculine defined archetypal energy that has been pigeonholed from growth and expansion. After making it though half of his book, I could see that this was precisely what Michael was trying to do. To expand the knowledge around why Jung labeled it as such to begin with. We can’t be exactly sure of Jung’s intentions or that he understood entirely its inextricable role in creation, but either way it has left an undeniable mark in our shared logos within the psychoanalytic community. 

It is also worth mentioning that within his book, Tsarion relies often on outdated conclusions about the concept of consciousness, as something that is purely the product of biological mechanisms. In the first few chapters he pushes the narrative that to understand consciousness we simply need go further down into the microscopic rabbit hole. 

He uses Freud’s understanding of consciousness as being a symptom rather than an underlying cause of natal development.

A materialist reductionist perspective I did not expect him to assume under any conditions. No matter how badly he wished to prove a point. There is no excuse for this, given the wider understanding of consciousness we currently have. A self-justified inner clashing of axioms ignored to further stretch his points has been duly noted. 

There are a great number of studies on after death accounts that demonstrate even when a heart and brain have flat lined for up to 20 minutes, a person can return with knowledge of what exactly was occurring with friends and family in far away places, in great detail, even while they were classified as dead. Consciousness is certainly not the unconscious product of the physical body alone.

Over all he makes good arguments for how the Mother’s physiology and smallest minute psychosomatic states may create the condition for the child’s unconscious development. However, he does not attempt at addressing exterior influences other than the transference of subconscious information that the Mother received from her Mother while in utero.

His theory also concludes that the Mother has more of an influence in shaping the child’s morality and consciousness through unconscious transference than anything else. I suspect he has had no direct experience with the subject himself. It is well understood that the first born more often takes on the physical traits, personality traits and the psycho-epistemological traits of the Father. Including phobias and neurosis.

It’s so evident all you need do is ask any parent. The reason for this has to do with survival. If the first child resembles the Father both physically and energetically the Father is less likely to abandon both Mother and son. The second child most often takes on the traits of the Mother, her willingness to abandon her child is far less likely even when the child does not reflect back to her a similar physical and energetic constitution. 

The child knows survival depends on the Mother, not just for her nourishment but for her love and attention. The baby instinctively knows that if the mother decides to reject him, he shall parish, this is clear. What he overlooks is the powerful instinctual connection the child subconsciously has to the Father pre-birth for these same reasons. 

This strong masculine energy that he senses from deep inside the womb. His Father is one who protects both him and his Mother. An energy that guides the mother to do her due diligence and care for the unborn child as well. The connection to the Father precedes the connection to the Mother in this sense. The first born child instinctively understands that without the protection from the Father first both Mother and child could perish. Rendering the Mother’s placenta or milk, in later developmental phases, as absolutely useless if not alive to consume it.  

He is in complete denial of the value of the Father, especially to the first unborn child when it comes to his unseen forces surrounding and influencing the fetus. There is no room for a complete black out here. 

He goes on to speak of how “the mother’s self-conversation and words reverberates throughout her body to be registered by the fetus”. He makes the assertion that “consciousness is nothing more than feeling and that feeling is a perpetual evaluation of world and self”.

He speaks of the child as being a blank slate vis-a-vis the influences of the Mother during the uterine period. Receiving the influences of multi-generational trauma accumulated from catastrophes 13 000 years prior. Far more have already come to understand, we are born in possession of certain foreign knowledge beyond that of our bloodlines. Children’s accurate accounts of past lives, including names and dates prove this already.

This foreign knowledge must be delineated from what he describes as the result of telepathic communication between Mother and Child. That which is nothing more than a somatic transference of her own unconscious body. Either way the unconscious body of the child is undeniably at equal distance to the realms of prima materia. 

If the world of prima materia is not constrained to the material world, why would he place constraints around the spark of consciousness which came from creator itself to only that of the mother’s subconscious mind. It’s obvious to me that this spark of consciousness, albeit not yet consciously aware of itself, has subconscious influences from greater emanations. Including the Father and others in important proximity as well, such as the siblings, grandparents and the external environment

We have proven already that telepathy through spooky action at a distance exists and does not require proximity for thought transference, let alone exclusively somatic reverberations. What can we say about the direct connection the fetus has to the collective unconscious? So his theory to return all influences to the Mother and her Mother’s Mother is complete madness.   

We can not ignore the divine intelligence inherent in Logos when using the vehicle of a woman’s body to create. The seed from an oak tree produces another oak tree, a humming bird another and so on.

The point he is confidently pressing upon here and one which Otto Rank spear headed, is that there’s a tremendous amount of unconscious somatic energy transferred to the child from the Mother that we still have yet to account for. Conscious and unconscious physiological, mental and emotional information that carry ancestral codes and current psychological traumas.

Roots of neurosis that continue to fester and eventually express themselves through the person’s subconscious, spilling out into their lives. All of which has not been recognized by Allopathic Medicine and Western Psychology alike. I must agree entirely to that which he points to here. 

How the trauma within the unconscious body of the Mother (and Father) is exactly transferred will perhaps only be something we can measure when technology significantly advances. Non the less it has been widely accepted by many researchers. There have been a multitude of studies done on intergenerational trauma, which can be observed in animals and humans alike. Something which is not linear but dynamic and constantly changing.

It would be good to make a few comparative studies based on the living conditions of pregnant women. A way of comparing the somatic stress levels found in the infants under various conditions. Women used to spend a tremendous amount of time homemaking together while pregnant and men were away. 

Surely the move into single family unites where women and men are no longer receiving the extra needed support during that period has contributed to an increase in both stress levels of the fetus and parents.

There is no doubt that our modern ways of living have increased cortisol levels and filled our unconscious minds with fear and anxiety. Undeniable contributing factors towards the perpetuation of trauma from Mother to child. 

Michael proposes that the initial fear of “castration” happens when the umbilical cord is cut. Something that is unavoidable and necessary. We can then postulate that the practice of waiting until the umbilical cord has been drained of all life giving sustenance – blood – significantly reduces the amount of trauma that occurs. 

Once the blood has been drained, the cutting of the umbilical cord no longer symbolizes being prematurely and violently torn away, castrating the baby from the cosmic womb. After the umbilical cord is drained it is sensed as dead and thus the cutting away of it, a natural removal of what is no longer needed for survival. 

Tsarion also speaks of the relationship between Father and son during the breast feeding stage. He perceives that a felt sense of anger from the Father is impossible and that it is more of a feeling of envy that connects them both. What he leaves out is that the fear of castration does arise here too. The fear of the Father a direct result of the son becoming the object which then sits in between the “Father’s enjoyment of the relationship he has with the object of trauma”. 

His son knows instinctually he is a rival and a threat to his Father. The moment the woman no longer identifies with her sexual organs in relation to her husband— as they take on different functions, that of giving birth and providing milk— a separation in her psyche is made and forever changes the relationship she has to her husband. She herself can no longer sense pleasure from breast or vagina for a significant period of time after birth. Her breasts raw and often bloody from the sucking, her vagina stretched and torn. 

That period is often prolonged and the women must sacrifice pleasurable feelings of a sexual nature to focus on the survival of her baby. The males are often known to feel a rejection during this time. They are no longer the centre of attention to the woman, both sexually and emotionally. She must put the needs of her husband aside to focus solo on the needs of her new born child for a natural period. 

She also protects the baby from the Father’s physical nature– rough handling. The masculine, often don’t have the same instinctual touch or connection to the sounds and needs her child communicates non-verbally. This creates the desire to place a kind of barrier between them to ensure her child does not experience any unnecessary harm. 

The battle for attention and connection to the primal and the cosmic womb–Mother, commences from this point forward. The husband knows his connection to his source of comfort is rivalled. A competitive edge is formed between Father and Child. Due to the most primal connection that the Mother has with her son or daughter, them being as something that came from her body, she will always choose to prioritize the child’s needs above that of her husband’s until the child no longer needs her for her milk and comfort. 

The husband also knows that if the baby cries at bedtime, the mother will leave his side and forego many nights of emotional and physical intimacy with him to sooth her child. This connection is so great and primal that a mother’s breasts will begin to lactate moments before her son cries out for milk from another room.

Her instinctual response to his needs are drawn from unseen logos. If her husband forces her to stay, arousing feelings of guilt within her for abandoning his needs, she will grow to resent him more and more each day. Creating an even greater rivalrous environment between him and his child. 

If she prioritizes her husbands needs, over that of her hungry child, she essentially creates a division within herself. The child is still sensed as being a part of her. She will feel shame and grow to resent not only her husband but herself and her son who cries out louder each time she chooses to do nothing about it.

In the chapters that follow Michael delves into how his perception of Motherly influences, fetus to genital stages of development, shape the psyche of her children into specific categories. He creates six main archetypes of masculinity and femininity to differentiate the most common ways each are affected. Those we clearly see expressing themselves out on the world’s stage today.

He explores the differences between guilt and shame, the former from a developed self-conscious individual, the latter from the super-ego. I’m not surprised Mercury is in Cancer right now as I read this book. A definite psychological shift in perspective tying together many missing pieces.

In Realignment of Logos & Reclaiming the Dragon (Part II) I’ll  be exploring these next chapters. From what I understand Micheal’s work goes even deeper into this topic in some of his other books including his podcast on the Dark Female Illuminati. 

I hope to hear others join in on this important conversation!

  • Cover Image
  • Dragon Mother by Michael Tsarion
  • Discovery of New Galaxies

Cultivating Healthy Online Contributions

As a content creator you’ll come across many trip-ropes. No matter what field of study you’re contributing to within an online arena you’ll encounter layers of experience that will lead to many forks in the road. Each fork will give you an opportunity to increase the quality of material you’re contributing or place you at the mercy of various pitfalls leading to unhealthy online dynamics, reducing the quality of your content.

The first order of magnitude for understanding this is having a clear goal in mind. To do that you’ll first have to know yourself. Knowing yourself allows you to know where you create from and why. To know your core driving motives, your psychological make up, your emotional strengths and weaknesses. It’s to know your gifts and abilities as well as natural biological functioning and your greater soul purpose.  

To break through the glass ceiling within any online community you’ll have to become familiar with where the cutting edges are that existing contributors are working from. That is, you must understand in-depth the subject you’re contributing to. If you have standards for the information you’re taking in, you’ll have standards for the information your putting out.  

At this stage you’ll encounter the first major fork in the road to progress. This fork dictates whether or not you prefer social dynamics to information dynamics. It will show you if psychological or emotional healing is a next-step requirement to further your involvement in healthy contributions. This fork will also show you where you source your motivation and inspiration from. 

If you haven’t studied in-depth the subject your contributing to, you’ll likely find yourself lost in a sea of content that leads you in circles and keeps you in a constant state of emotional arousal. In which case the fork you took in the road will lead you to creating reactionary content rather than quality information that initiates a real change in the world. 

Reactionary content creation will take you away from further knowing yourself and discovering the real truth within any given topic you’re studying. Reactionary type online interactions have been defined as online gaming and have nothing to do with furthering collective awareness. It’s opposite behaviour is sourcing inspiration from deep study and personal development. 

One of the ways to avoid creating from a reactionary place is to take your time with producing content. This helps to integrate any cutting edge information others are sharing and allows you to return those findings to your unique creative wellspring of inspiration to further develop your ideas and studies before producing more content to share with the world. 

Slowing down allows most people to open up to greater insights while simultaneously allowing them to circumvent any unhealthy online gaming dynamics that might be building up in back ground. 

When you truly take the time to get to know yourself you’ll see that your unique medicine and insights are not dependant on underlying story-lines playing themselves out within the various online communities. 

The emotional undertone and metaphorical cryptic messages addressing disagreements and group drama within any given online community will quickly fade into the background. This level of maturity determines the health of the information ecology within any given community. 

The most sophisticated goal is to bring forth real knowledge and a deeper understanding of the subjects being studied within your particular field. From my observation when self-development truly takes place, people often realize they’re contributing to a field that is not a match to their natural gifts and true ascension begins to take place as they make their way to their highest calling. 

Our deepest passions coming from a mix of inner inspiration and a deep study of the topic at hand. You’ll notice that when passion for the topic isn’t truly present, content creators tend to focus their attention on group dynamics and behind the scene drama. Another indication of contributing to the wrong field is that there is no true progress in the development of their work.

Developing a stronger connection to community off line rather than online can alleviate this pitfall entirely. Especially for women who tend to focus more on social dynamics and the health of the tribe in general. 

Info wars are nothing new but our level of awareness about the many layers within communication happening online has increased and is becoming easier to express and define. 

In the recent past our greatest thinkers would read information shared through masterful books and spend years developing their ideas to further their knowledge before sharing their own contributions with the world. Now everyone has access to pressing send on their most recent thought and reaction.

During these disconnected times people attribute individuation to gaining a strong Youtube or Instagram following. The truth is, seeking fame and fortune through online recognition is the biggest growing farce when it comes down to real individuation. This is one of the ways modern living and inverted concepts have separated people from themselves and lowered the quality and standard of content contributions online. This is again another fork in the road that all online content creators must face at one point on their journey. 

Despite my often pessimistic view of the world I would like to believe quality over quantity is making a come back and that our increased understanding of online rivalrous environments has instigate that change. Focusing on quality first removes the pressure of time constraints a large following often imposes. It returns us to a place where value and embodied wisdom meet daily before content creation is birthed. 

It takes us away from the entropic and myopic chaos of the circus and roots us back into the desert of the real. A place where we are less likely to get caught up in the petty details of online group dynamics and more likely to bring us back to a place where we can successfully contribute to the “whole”, of not just the share information ecology but our very own personal lives. 

The Great Work is upon us and it has nothing to do with what is trending, or what this inverted technology has imposed upon us or where we have naively staked our personal goal posts for success. It has everything to do with the great self-overcoming humanity is currently facing at large, yet together. 

Where is your personal cutting edge in regards to emotional, mental and physical development? Where is your personal cutting edge in regards to self-empowerment, and embodiment towards family and local community improvements?  Can you feel your soul spark and intuition?

What do the people of this earth need most to regain their personal power and hear their soul speak? What do the people of this world need to know most to topple multinational elite groups, corporations and banks which seek to control and own every facet of our experience here? 

Stargate Keepers

Definition: A star-gate keeper is a soul that has incarnated with a specific DNA encoding carrying the ability to not only increase the vibration of other souls they interact with but truly activate dormant DNA which allows those souls to enter into different dimensional densities. 

The goal of a star-gate keeper is to learn to distinguish between the different soul frequencies they come into contact with. To distinguish which people are aligned for activation and which are not. The main goal is to participate in the bio-spiritual-regenesis of the planet and to aid as many souls as possible with their ascension process. 

The reason why it’s so important to be selective is that once a connection is firmly established a great number of changes are made to the energetic field of the earth’s template and the collectively shared reality field. If an unhealthy connection is firmly established the law of cause and effect takes place. Thus unhealthy adjustments are made to the time matrix. From this vantage point it is only possible to attempt at making further adjustments. This information is key in co-creating things in alignment to where we ought to be taking things. 

As a star-gate keeper you are responsible for who you allow access to higher dimensional realms. It’s a co-creative process but in the case of someone who holds these codes within their template you will have greater knowledge as to what this process actually entails both viscerally and inter-dimensionally. In the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th density time matrixes small movements and intentions have huge ramifications to the earth’s magnetic template and collective reality field. In lower densities it takes much longer to make changes on a larger scale, if not impossible unless through a great number of people simultaneously co-creating towards a specific outcome. 

Main mode of co-creation is through the womb for a female, for a male it’s through their wand of fire. The staff of creation thrown from within the still point of the fulcrum. Not all templates are a match to begin with despite which blood codes you’re carrying. Typically you will only physically feel this energy exchange if the person is a match to an important level somewhere within your template.

In many cases you will not feel the person’s soul energy whatsoever, which is an indication that this type of spiritual work will not be a part of your mission here with them. In most cases where you can’t feel the energy of those you make contact with, it is possible that they’ve already reached those gates or that they are simply vibrating at frequencies too limited for such work to be done.  

In cases of infiltration you will be able to psychically sense the energy entering the womb but not with the purpose of bio-spiritual-regenesis of the earth’s templates to correct, adjust and align timelines. It will be sensed as a co-dependant energy or mother or father wounding connection. In worst cases these are soul’s working with completely different agendas whom have cultivated their occult skills enough to manipulation energy for self-serving purposes. 

There are cases of infiltration, non-consensual means to activate various star-gates that are being subconsciously driven and insisted upon due to the soul moving through a healing process. In which case an empathic octopus type energy will be sensed, tentacles digging deep into you as they seek for connection to the higher force and as they strive for inner balance. 

Forced breeding occurs when a skilled entity with missing genetic codes has the capacity to enter your field without being initially detected. They will usually carry strong abilities in maintaining their energetic force within you for the required gestational period, time needed to alchemize with your energy long enough for both seeds to merge. At which point they will violently take the merged energy seed out of you to keep for themselves. Essentially stealing the combined seed potential to further their ascension process of self-serving goals.

They do not have the intention of co-creating for the greater good of all, balanced within the realms of divine feminine and masculine forces. These beings can also sometimes be highly advanced beings from other realms of density that have acquired knowledge of the methods for repairing their DNA and are seeking to simply steal missing parts to complete their own DNA – ENERGETIC BLUEPRINT- without doing the actual integration work. Their main goal is control, power and immortality.

The main methods of dealing with energy infiltration are transmutation and reattachment of the energy cord attachment/insertion to other gates and points on the earth’s grid or in higher dimensional frequencies. The goal is to assist even the most tormented beings with their ascension towards healing and enlightenment. You can reattach the cord attachment/insertion onto points of ascension within the earth’s core grid and into higher planes depending on what you have access to. 

If you reconnect their energetic cord “seed” to anywhere in the astral plane it will still stay attached to you and it could have ramifications on your energetic system and or allow them to continue feeding off your life-force. It needs to be grounded into the earth’s crystal grid matrix or into higher dimensional planes and densities so they may come to elevate their frequency, making an eventual reconnection to creator source from within themselves.

Understanding methods and function of alchemical union when co-creating star gateway experiences for someone holding this greater awareness and as gatekeeper is to have the ability to assist a soul into higher dimensional densities as previously mentioned. As a female you will intuitively sense the co-creative expression of this process within you as a cosmic pregnancy. In essence you are accepting and allow their energetic “seed” to enter your cosmic womb gateway “seed” with the goal of raising both of your vibrations and frequencies to higher levels of oscillation which allows access to the various higher dimensional star-gates within both of your human templates through conscious co-creative DNA activation. 

When this process takes place you will inadvertently have access to their energy field, their past lives, their existence on parallel timelines and their thoughts. You essentially open up a channel of telepathic communication with them, connecting with their oversoul, the monad and co-creating on the collective archetypal plane as well as reaching up into the lesser dense planes where co-creating to make adjustments to the earth’s crystal grid lay lines and template will be possible. 

The end goal isn’t to stay in extreme intimate connection on all these levels but rather to fully integrate and birth forth the necessary co-creation. If your templates match and you are part of the same soul matrix, a permanent merging together to the higher monad will be reached and the shared astral field will be surpassed. At which point you will stay connected but on a higher dimensional plane.

If you carry a similar template to myself, in most cases a connection will be made to co-creatively open stargates within the other’s template in pursuit of the end goals assigned by the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds (IAFW) as a means of creating a unified collective of Guardian Angelic Nations for inter-universal peaceful co-creation towards regenesis.

When connecting at this level, every intention, thought and action has an increased one hundred fold amplification power potential for co-creating changes in the earth’s template as well as accelerating ascension for both involved with huge adjustments to the collective reality field. As their seed potential merges with yours, your role as gatekeeper becomes activated. This merging of power becomes the centre point – the eye of the tornado from which your combined energy begins to wield the time matrix around you. 

The process and function is the process from which the idea of Twin Flames emerged from. Twin Flames as explained in popular New Age culture speak of some of the effects that may occur during this process but misses the point entirely when it comes to true purpose. As a star-gate keeper you will experience this process with many other souls that are on a similar mission to yourself. The Twin Flame concept is part of the false light narratives which reinforce the forced breeding programs currently working to infiltrate the bio-spiritual-regenesis of the earth. They lock down the energy of gatekeepers and slow down global ascension.  

The initial process of combining energy seeds will give you complete access to the soul’s akasha as mentioned previously. During this time you are assisting them with integrating any fragmented aspects still dealing in lower densities, past or parallel timelines as they equally accomplish this with you.

This means alchemizing all incoming thoughts, images and feelings into higher frequencies by drawing the energy up from the womb into the heart and up the tree of life spindle beyond the crown chakra moving the co-creative seed intention slowly through higher gates until it reaches the primal sound and light fields. After alchemizing and integrating all the lower frequencies it will be possible to move entirely through the higher gate of ascension you are both simultaneously moving towards, potentially co-creating with other souls who have this template to continue doing the work.

How to consciously and co-creatively open the various stargates is information I will not disclose in this article for purposes of maintaining the integrity of the time matrix in regards to the bio-spiritual regenesis of the planetary grid for global ascension. If you inner-stand this information you are likely here learning to master these templates within yourself and have come here with this specific mission. In which case only, and if you would like to learn more and to book a session with me on the topic to further your knowledge, you can send your birth date, time and place of birth to

I will look into your birth chart to determine if you have theses alignment within your blueprint mission. If you do, I will reply with how to proceed for booking a session if you so wish. If you do not have these codes it’s nothing personal, you are simply here working with other gifts and talents for other purposes of equal value, in which case I will not reply within a 72 hour period to set up a session.

Harmonizing with Earth’s Power Points to Counterbalance Harmful Frequencies

As unseen artificial frequencies increase in the environment it’s becoming more and more important to locate power points on the earth’s grid to recalibrate our natural human electromagnetic field for continued health and wellness. 

I recently had the privilege of spending a fortnight away from home at one of a handful of power spots within 200kms from where I live to recharge my electromagnetic field. Regenerating and healing tears in our electromagnetic fields is still not widely shared information with the public from scientific a perspective. 

If you’ve become acclimatized to the harsh frequencies infesting the environment in big cities you might not know what you’re missing or what you can personally gain from simply harmonizing your body with power points in the natural lay-lines. 

Many still might attribute general health problems to other factors such as an increased amount of toxic chemicals in our foods, notably glyphosate and lack of nutrients in highly processed ready-made ingredients. All of which play an almost equally destructive role to that of bioweapons and modern day technological weaponry.

Reports of humans experiencing an increase in heart problems around the globe over the last few years surely relate to these things, many of these symptoms people feel helpless to. I highly recommend using the incredible healing power of nature to start assisting you back into health and wellness.

As I arrived at my destination I felt my nervous system begin to adjust to the energy offered. I experienced a slight dizziness for the first 24hours and then shortly after a feeling of being recalibrated and nourished.

When your nervous system attunes to the various energetic power points the earth has to offer your breathing patterns change and your thoughts begin to reshape themselves in accordance with natural rhythms. This harmonizes the heart and brain hemispheres, trickling down into your emotional body then steeping out to readjust all of your senses. 

On my return as I entered the city I began feeling sharp electrical shocks stabbing at my field, strange static sensations and pulsations of energy pushing and pulling on my natural electromagnetic field. I am highly sensitive to slight changes within my energetic body and so I share this information for those that have less sensation regarding these things or for those that have numbed themselves to relieve the symptoms while their bodies continue to pay the price. 

Every power spot can offer something different. Finding a good location to recharge yourself means going far enough out of the city as possible. If you begin to adventure around you’ll notice how the energy varies from place to place despite the incredible beauty each has to share. You’ll eventually find locations that circulate more power than others.

Aside from most power spots recalibrating your electromagnetic field, water ways such as large rushing rivers will cleanse you emotional body, mountain tops clear your mind, forests can return strength and vitality to your body and rocky hot spots can bring about a spontaneous spiritual renewal. 

By adding a camp fire to any of these locations you can release fear and transform growing pain into power. Exploring caves will assist you in gaining greater self awareness and facing subconscious driving motives. Dry arid places such as the dessert will assist you in burning away false ego constructs and modern day societal conditioning. Swimming to the bottom of lakes or snorkelling in the ocean can assist you finding your unique creative wellspring. 

I could go on and on about how each power spot that you find will assist you but I encourage everyone to start exploring for themselves. Staying attuned to how your mind, body and spirit are being affected when you travel to various power spots on the earth’s grid will assist you in gaining greater awareness about what’s nourishing you verse depleting you when you return to your everyday environments. 

I’m wishing everyone many moments of rejuvenation and healing as we continue forward on this collective journey towards increased awareness, health and self-empowerment.

Mating Rituals Deep Code III

Below are some notes I have gathered over the last 5 years, from a feminine perspective, regarding the dysfunctional adaptive mating rituals that occur online. As the use of social media continues to sky rocket so do these dynamics become easier to observe and transform.

The Dominate Men

The dominate men appearing to have a greater understanding of what is happening in the world accumulate a harem of women around them which creates unhealthy competitive end game dynamics between the women and unhealthy interactions between the less dominate masculine. 

The women that compete the most for attention from these men usually stay plugged into the online matrix 24/7 to ensure they maintain their attention. Leading to being possessed by all sorts of AI entities and institutions. Tearing holes in their auric fields and having their minds harvested for all sorts of nefarious end goals.

When other women are sensed interacting with the dominant male they are focused on, the attacks commence through competitive behaviours both online and in the etheric realms. 

You can observe nature’s worst and best in regards to female strategy and behaviour within the artificial system, a system disconnected from real life community interaction and natural models of courting.

Most of the women competing for online attention usually aren’t aware this is at the core of their own reactions and behaviours. These base survival instincts are usually hidden beneath shadow. In the etheric realms they often attempt at securing their energetic territory. In basic psychology, women are known to encircle men while men can be observed trying to bring order to the feminine through means of controlling their energy and behaviour.  

This is how online shamanic wars begin, as women try to maintain their place within the imaginary (virtual) pecking order. The irony is that most of these women never actual meet up with these men. It’s all a mind game which syphons their time and life force. A show of the futility of our times and parts of our battles with AI. 

This video explains how one online mating ritual can manipulate time and space to include large groups of people over an extended period. This is especially powerful at showing how mating rituals can turn into large scale tribal wars to include many different groups. 

I have observed very few single awakened women who won’t compete for the dominate males and instead focus on ensuring the health of the females within these dynamics or communities. 

Even though it is very obvious that most of the women competing are harming themselves as they grossly marginalize themselves from receiving any help and support through unhealthy online dark triad play. 

My recommendations for resolving this is to simply not play along with any online mating rituals that are in their essence not designed to increase the wellbeing of those involved or meet long term goals for relationship needs. Other recommendations to limit unhealthy play are to unfollow or delete persons involved. Thoughtfully not contribute to unhealthy triad dynamics that would increase war like behaviour. 

This underlying motivation can be seen at the root of people trying to individuate themselves online or while trying to secure financial territory online. Both are rooted in the primordial dance between masculine and feminine. That is to say everything we do is rooted in a mating ritual. 

Women Engaging

Most women who consider themselves knowledgeable will not feel any attraction towards males they consider to be less aware then they are concerning global affairs or esoteric matters. 

The question here is are there an equal number of awakened women to men?

If there are no males in their geographical area they will search online for one. Which increases use of social media and enables AI. Institutions and corporations using gain of function tactics for executing their experiments are taking advantage of these natural occurrences (whether they realize it or not).  

Women wish to magnetically draw in a masculine counterpart that will increase her wellbeing on a multidimensional level within the physical realm. Being energetically leashed at a distance to a masculine who has many other energetic ties to large numbers of women, with no intention of meeting any of them, will lead into soul loss, especially if your intentions are to connect on a deep and embodied level.  

This goes into the inevitable entanglement that occurs once a female has been energetically impregnated or positively charged by these males through online interactions. The shared mind phenomenon is real regarding quantum entanglement and physical contact isn’t always necessary if the people involved are energetically open or know how to manipulate energy in a nefarious way. That is, if the male manages to get into the woman’s temple, some women are more attuned to this energetic aspect than others. I’ve observed women on multiple energetic leashes being flung around who weren’t even aware of it. I’m sure some men can resonate to a certain degree as well. 

An unhealthy dominate male will use female manipulative shadow behaviours to their advantage to keep their status high while the women involved either isolate, fight or inflict harm upon themselves due to not being able to come into union or maintain the males attention. 

Worst case scenarios I’ve observed are when males intentionally pit women against each other as entertainment or ego aggrandizement.

With most women seeking masculine connection through technology today, in social media environments, they become less connected to their natural environments leading them further away from their soul spark and their responsibilities to family and communities.

Being physically present verses being mentally present with your immediate environment and the people in it are two very different things that we need to start distinguishing between more as virtual environments increasingly fragment consciousness.

Esoteric Issues for Females

If a women does allow herself to be positively charged or energetically impregnated at a distance by a dominate male, her energy body explodes out attracting the attention of men in the area who she might not be attracted to. It boils down to the energetic inner workings that occur when a male and female make a positive and negatively charged connection ethereally. It’s what we call light body activation. 

Bonding energetically even if only through quantum entanglement usually cultivates loyalty to the male. All which doesn’t end well if and until another masculine arrives to pull out the etheric cords and secure the female. If the man isn’t physically present with the female, over time they will realize they are caught in an end game situation.

Some Solutions

Men shouldn’t pit women against each other, the goal is to get everyone to co-create as well as be able to meet their own needs, find a male to work with and come into union with for community and planetary healing.

Males and females can not work easily together without creating sparks, or only in very few instances, usually and only when the man or woman is in sacred union with a secure partner.

We need more men and women who are healthy and in control of themselves within online environments to promote healthy interaction. Especially from men and women holding asymmetrical positions of power within groups and communities. 

In honesty I think acting from a place of wisdom develops over time and with maturity. The more aware people are of themselves and these natural occurrences and how they steep their ways in our online interactions the more likely we are to make healthier longterm decisions for ourselves.  

I’m interested in hearing about male perspectives on this topic as well as varying outcomes dependant on the role and online network a person is interacting within. 

Releasing Saviour Dynamics Through Self-Inquiry 

How does the saviour become the perpetrator? As I moved through the later stages of the alchemical process it became clear that the act of trying to save another when they are not asking for help is essentially a power move for control (subconscious means to feel empowered). It’s how the saviour becomes the perpetrator in the human story of interrelationship. 

The saviour archetype exists within as a house of mirrors where shadows reign. This dynamic makes up a huge part of the distorted spiritual community moving upwards into more sophisticated expressions within society. 

This is based on the understanding of the fractal universe and the macrocosm existing within as the microcosm. If you are interpreting something about another that gives rise to a strong desire to “save them”, ask yourself how it might relate to you. I can clearly remember a time when saving others was my only means to self-empowerment.

Why do we feel the need to save someone when they are not seeking for help? Most often you will find buried within the subconscious mind a wound that has been rejected or neglected. It’s the act itself of repressing and denying those parts that need attention and internal work that amplify and project them back out into the reality field and onto other people.

This is why things can get so messy with people who haven’t begun the healing work or are just getting started. At the first level of awakening the self can only see itself projected onto the walls of the cave. At the second level the mirror of self turns back onto itself and the light of the sun, the sol, the soul can then begin shinning its rays of awareness back into itself, a pivotal moment within the alchemical process where the person truly begins to awaken the self. 

Arriving at this point is a painful experience. As the person’s conscious awareness rises they encounter that stage in personal development where all that has been projected out must in turn be owned and integrated back into the self for progression within the procession. The amount of time a person can spend in this stage will depend on how long it takes them to dissolve their false ego identifications. 

The more energy put towards repressing these shadow aspects within the self, the more intensely they’ll continue to be projected outwards. The greater the sense of urgency to integrate these aspects through the act of “saving” another. False ego protection is the core frequency that binds the victim, savour, perpetrator dynamic together. 

The longer it takes an individual to break down the false ego to heal, integrate and rebuild a healthy ego the more complex and elaborate these projections become. Often taking on personalities of their own, in the form of external entities we empower and allow to grow until they become clearly defined collective archetypes and cultural mythologies. These can range from what is experienced as personal curses to collective egregores to deeply embedded archetypal villans within the most subtle layers of our being.  

For this reason when managing mind space in regards to “entities”, regardless of the idea of whether they truly exist as separate forces we experience as external to us, whether in astral form or projected by other’s thoughts or from beyond, by dealing with them from the first person principal we can eliminate all potential for perpetuating cycles of victim, savour, perpetrator dynamics. It’s the point when we truly begin to move towards authentic embodiment, healthy relationship and individuation in the world. 

It’s what allows us to be the most in control of our experience and will to power here. None of this is to say that real problems don’t exist outside of ourselves that we aren’t here to remedy. It’s to say that the macrocosm exists in direct response to the collection of microcosm pieces existing that are an expression of each and every one of us.

This internal development through awareness is the first and only step to the next layer of larger alchemical cycles taking place within the collective unconscious of humanity. 

Taking real action out in the world to change the things we know to be harmful requires acknowledging that self empowerment must be reached within ourselves first by shining the light of awareness into the self. 

Due to the interconnected universe we live in, we can only begin to do this by obtaining glimpses of our reflection of the self within each other. The chaos that occurs through this process is one that can’t be avoided. It’s function and purpose nestled in the divine complexity of universal higher order.

Through a growing self awareness we eventually become self responsible and release the other to empower ourselves for greater and greater tasks.

The Only Road to Freedom is Truth

Spending time interacting with a variety of different people from very different groups has it’s unique medicine. Especially if you’re equipped at dealing with difficult personalities. Aside from the gift of understanding there also comes an increased capacity for compassion. 

Social bonding increases oxytocin levels. This phenomenon births two theories. One is the idea that an increased feeling of love for those within your social group will cause you to circumvent forms of logic and reason when confronted with in-group ideology and dynamics. 

The other is more common, it’s the understanding that an increase in oxytocin levels caused by social bonding will increase group cohesion and benefit the success of the group towards any goal or endeavour. Whether that be for simple tasks such as growing food together or for the benefits of abundance creation through networking. 

I recently listened to a podcast Liber Ohio did with “The Occult Rejects”, and it became very clear earlier on in the podcast that their desire to find in-group status led them to abandon their personal intuition and logic.

It was also driven by their potential for learning about some of life’s hidden knowledge, a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves is a universal desire. What allowed them to come back into themselves was their desire to know the truth.

I came up with a saying to capture a growing need in society, “dismiss the middle man between you and truth”. The more I follow my intuition and look into things for myself the more I discover that things are most often not what they appear to be.

We are human’s aware of ourselves and with that comes lots of questions and the desire to experience something extra-ordinary. Also simply feeling understood by our peers satisfies not only our sense of belonging but it equally provides us with a sense of identity. 

Can we truly gain a strong sense of identity by following the dictates of another, or group think? 

Identity comes when we’re able to strip ourselves down of all the false identities we’re enmeshed in. When we can work through the layers of societal conditioning, the shadows of the anima/animus, past life archetypal energies and identities, collective archetypal energies and egregores. When we can make it past all of these without losing ourselves we can then begin to tap into that pure gold of consciousness that lay at the centre of our existence to begin creating from a place of wisdom. 

Recently a client ask me about my personal views on some of life’s existential questions. Although I’ve had many mystical experiences providing various insights into the nature of reality I rarely share them with people. I think what we create with those insights to be more interesting and of greater value. How those beliefs shape our lives and how they expose themselves through our relationships more telling of what they are actually made of.

I have understood that the magic and meaning we experience in life is predominately subjective. There’s an inner freedom in following our soul’s path and unraveling all those layers of conscious and unconscious etheric energies we’re wrapped up in. 

All the intuitive hints and visual stories that only we can see, get lost in, be blinded by and ultimately transcend are what allow us to nudge towards timeless truths and cosmic understandings. I’ve said it before and will say it again and again, “Truth is very simple, humans on the other hand are very complex”.

Everyone ought to know the freedom of experiencing that magic for themselves. To expect another to be able to give that to you or to imagine that you can simply study it and come to some arrival point is not realistic. 

We can adopt methods of developing our vision, enhancing our experiences and ways of opening the doors to the subconscious mind. Allowing us to do the shadow work and navigate through the many grids of consciousness and mystical realms but to believe your path will look anything like another’s is to believe you are less than a unique soul.

Most of my studies of other people have guided me away from what was already present to be experienced within myself. Studying various magical systems or systems of gnosis have provided me with a deeper understanding of what was already present in my blood and bones. A form of confirmation to the energies I had already collected on my soul’s journey throughout the eons.

I eventually read about spiritual rites and initiations that I had intuitively embarked on due to my family lineage and past life experiences. Some of them subconsciously adopted from society. Some of them I was unsuspectingly thrown into due to the hidden intentions of those around me.

Honouring both our soul path and the ideologies of our tribe is sometimes not possible. When you are free, you question, you evolve, you make choices rooted in your value system, based on your continual soul growth evolution. I suppose that is why the only thing constant is change, death and rebirth the natural cycle of all living things. 

Finding a tribe that you can trust requires many things. The first is knowing yourself and being firmly rooted in your values. Finding people who not only share a similar language of vision but who also share a similar consciousness. A similar way of experiencing the world. This part is very important and will eliminate many useless conflicts as the group evolves and attempts to produce something together. 

You can’t just choose an identity and then find a tribe that emanates those ideologies. It’s not so easy to find a tribe to grow with when you’re in the middle of a healing crisis, an awakening or a major life transformation. 

During those states you are transitioning and transitory. The path is often lonely. To trust another you have to trust yourself. To trust yourself you have to heal and come to love yourself. To heal and love yourself you have to go through the steps of peeling back all the layers of identity that were never you to begin with. This is to come to know thyself.

Finding your tribe has to be real because you are not who you think you are, you are that frequency which you are resonating at.  

Truth as a path way to inner freedom means being ok with letting things fall away that don’t have firm roots, that your intuition guides you away from. When truth leads the way, freedom comes at a cost but never at the cost of your values. Unless your values are based in lies, greed, abuse, manipulation, violence and coercion. In which case let it crumble, ditch the oxytocin and keep on evolving towards inner freedom.

To book a session visit me here: